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#298 Shibuya regular meeting

Shibuya Toastmasters Club had the 298th meeting on September 18, 2019 @ Owada with 2 international and 1 Japanese guests.

TMOE was TM Yuji Asai.

Unfortunately, one of the prepared speakers was absent from the meeting due to poor health. But thanks to guest’s and member’s help, we could keep the quality of the regular meeting as usual. After the meeting, we enjoyed watching the world contest with the participants.

Thank you for coming, TM Meishen, Oliver and Sakoda. We are looking forward to seeing you again!

Award winners of the evening were:

■Best prepared speaker: TM Atsushi Shimoda ■Best evaluator: TM Miho Kumura ■Best table topic speaker: TM Sanwong Congratulations!!





Regular Meeting Blog
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